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Join our community

Dear colleagues!

The Interregional Union of Poultry Breeders and Fodder Producers of Ukraine invites you to become part of our community. We unite poultry farmers and fodder producers from all regions of Ukraine to work together on the development of these important industries.

We support and develop poultry farming and fodder production in Ukraine. We work to create favorable conditions for business operation, exchange of experience and knowledge, as well as protection of the interests of our participants.


Vadym Vasyliovych


Head of the Union

Join us and together we will create a result that will have a positive impact on your business

For our members and partners:

  • Access to international and state programs supporting the industry. Assistance in obtaining financial funds under these programs

  • Valuable information and expert knowledge in the field of poultry and fodder production.

  • Participation in joint projects and initiatives aimed at the development of the industry.

  • Establishing partnerships with other participants and creating new business opportunities.

  • Protection of interests and participation in solving issues related to your activities in poultry and fodder production.

Procedure for acquiring membership

The application of a candidate for membership of the Union is considered by the Board of Directors for the granting of membership status. Information membership is granted automatically.

The link to the application for joining the Union is provided at the request of the candidate by the person responsible for working with members in the Union (specify for BO).

Candidates submit for consideration, in addition to the application for joining the Union, consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the Law "On the Protection of Personal Data", a completed questionnaire, a declaration of recognition of the provisions of the Code of Ethics of the Union.

Application for joining

Organization activity

This website was created within the framework of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project "Strengthening  of SME Business Membership Organisations in Ukraine", implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine with the support of Switzerland.




61058, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv city, st. R. Rolan, 12;


+38(067) 570-90-57

+38(057) 715-24-02

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PA "PFFPU" @2024

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