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We invite you to the training course "FARMER STARTUP IN POULTRY KEEPING"

The course is for those who want to improve their knowledge of business planning in poultry farming. We continue the restoration and help the stable development of poultry farming in the Mykolaiv region.

In the course we will consider:

  • Business - a plan as the basis of successful farming activity. Marketing plan

  • Peculiarities of drawing up a production plan for a poultry farmer. Product cost components

  • Risk assessment of the production plan of the poultry farmer"

  • Financial plan for broiler chicken meat production. Price, profit, profitability, break-even point

  • How internet marketing can help a farmer-poultry breeder. Promotion in social networks

  • New grant opportunities for the development of self-employment in poultry farming

November 7, 8, 9 from 17:00 to 19:00

REGISTER for the course via the link

Participation is free with prior registration. Please note that at the end of the registration form there will be a link to the Telegram group. Join the group, there will be further course news and participants' communication. The link to ZOOM will be in this group and on your e-mail. mail The event takes place within the framework of "Development of self-employment in poultry farming in the Mykolaiv region."

Проєкт реалізується Громадською спілкою «Міжрегіональний союз птахівників та кормовиробників України» (ГС МСПКУ) та Благодійним фондом за фінансової підтримки благодійної організації «Ветеринари без кордонів / Vétérinaires sans frontières – Канада»

The project is implemented by the Public Union "Interregional Union of Poultry and Feed Producers of Ukraine" and the Щедрик Інфо Charity Fund with the financial support of the charity "Véterinaires sans frontières / Vétérinaires sans frontières - Canada" Veterinarians without Borders

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